
We are the United Puppy Raisers of ACTS and their Wagging Retrievers (U.P.R.A.W.R.)! We are UVM's puppy raising club. As a group, we raise and train service and facility dogs for Assistance Canine Training Services (A.C.T.S.). Through UPRAWR, students can become puppy raisers, puppy sitters, and general members. Everyone is a vital part of the team; but, the core members of our club are students who are paired with a dog to raise and train for six months to two years. Our club provides UVM students with the opportunity to build skills and knowledge pertaining to the training and care of service dogs. Our mission is to foster a greater awareness and respect for service dogs in the UVM community and surrounding area. We understand that not everyone can commit 24/7 to a dog, and we accept all commitment levels. If you're at all interested, we would love to hear from you!

Contact Information

Contact Email E: uprawr@uvm.edu
This organization has no officers.