UVM Anime Club
The Anime Club is dedicated to creating an environment where anime fans can share their passions and participate in anime-related activities (including watching anime content and listening to anime-themed music). It's the heart of the anime community here at UVM! We're also open to watching animation from different parts of the world and live-action-related content that has some anime aspect to it. We meet at least once a week to screen anime and hold events (including movie nights). All are welcome!
Apart from meetings, you will normally find other members active and chatting in our Discord! We hope to see you around!
Here is our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uvmanimeclub/
Join the email listing to get the link to Discord!
Contact Information
Burlington, VT 05405
United States
Contact Email E: aliya.kaynak@uvm.edu
Phone Number P: 603-404-3868
This organization has no officers.